Sunday, August 14, 2005


Today I stayed home while P, L, E, and R went out to eat. Earlier today I went out and played tennis in the front yard with E and beat him for the day. Right now we are watching Two Brothers. It is so cute and sad. I would hate to wake up in the morning with a duck quacking in my face. R is being a pest and not watching the movie. We played Monopoly today and E got bankrupted before me. I am glad that it is Sunday. I can go to school tomorrow and make me smarter. L was over here making me nervous with talking about not doing something to the TV and the movie. Now she has me doing it. R was hanging on to daddy this morning and didn't want to keep me company. I am getting tired. L is playing Chuzzle. It is the cutest little game that I found. I found alot of games to play over the summer. It seems like I have too much time during the summer and I get bored easily. I went to play some more tennis and E tied our score. Tomorrow I go to school and I am excited! I ran into a friend and he didn't seem to want to go back to school, he also want to learn tennis. I am excited to teach tennis. I have taught golf to another fellow beginner golfer and it was fun. Well I am going to rest and take a shower. TTFN.

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