Tuesday, August 16, 2005


Today I had to take a book to school today because the didn't have a class room set yet. Our agendas are going to be given to us by at least September like last year. My backback was heavy and it was hurting my shoulders.

Today is the anniversary of Elvis's death of a heart attack.

We are watching Jurassic Park on DVD. So far have been able to hear alot of things. It is hard work to get E to blog, but I can be a little pest and get him to start.

R is being a pest, but not to me today again. It has been a godsent to not get bugged by him. I have been tired all day since lunch.

Went to golf and I got a par on the fifth hole. I have gotten alot of pars on that particular hole and it has been my favorite hole on the course. When we got to the course I was hyper and not being serious like I used to be. I guess it was the diet coke with splenda, which I am drinking now.

I have to get a job if I am going to go to Egypt and get into the King's Chamber. Even near the Sphinx. If I want to go to Egypt, I have to start saving now. I have no idea how much it is going to be, but I have an idea. I will be having fun in all my classes because now we are doing work and I have homework to do.

Well got to finish Jurassic Park. TTFN.

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