Monday, August 15, 2005

Monday, hate that day!

Monday is the worst day of the week. Monday is the first day of the week for us. Us on school schedule. I finally embarrassed L today by tell S about the Moocarena. Pr. was telling me that I had too much people to talk to and she is right. I kept saying hi to friends and asking how their brothers were doing. Today I found out that I wasn't the only one at WMHS to listen to Oldies. E has new hours so he can watch R during the day and when I get home from school I get to watch R while E has to go to work. Now Pr. is telling me that I am having too much fun. I can't keep her happy. I am thinking about playing tennis after I listen to the radio and finish this entry. Today I have been saying what pops in my head. It is annoying Pr. and she hates it when I annoy her. R is rocking that means that he likes something or waiting for something. Today I got a complainment on my earrings and necklace. The first one since school started. Well gotta go. TTFN.

1 comment:

grandma1 said...

Leave the games for summer and get this year overwith so you can graduate. You are just getting lots of practice with R . You need to talk to him and get him to sing songs with you. It will help him learn to talk.

I'm glad E has his hours straightened out. Someone needs to take care of R.

I can't figure out who some of your initials are.

Wish you were here to help me pack and move.