Saturday, August 20, 2005


Today I am feeling better and talking more. My throat is just stratchy, but not sore anymore. P is talking more than me, but I really don't care. J's blog was interesting to read since he is a republican and ranting about Bush. Yeah for you J! You are now part of the family. Pippin is just being lazy for a cat that has nothing to do during the day and his girlfriend, Mistress, is off on E's bed and missing E. I miss E and R and they are coming home today. Pippin has his head upsidedown. He does not want to cuddle with me anymore because I am sick. L and P are golfing today at UNM South Championship Golf Course. The BTK Killer was in the news and every network had to report it and I was getting tired of hearing about it. Once is enough for me. Mistress and Pippin are being unsocialible because they miss E and R. L got good advice from her horiscope and I hope she takes it. I am rabbling on, that must mean that I am feeling somewhat human again, hopefully. I hope I can go to school on Monday, if not I will have P pick up my homework so I can do it and turn it in when I go to school. L is now yelling at her computer, something she loves to do. It's a bit annoying really. Well I better rest some more. TTFN.


Grinny Granny said...

Yes, you do ramble, but that's what it's all about, isn't it? I'm going to go ahead and diagram my office on graph paper and have E help me move things. I guess I will stay there as long as I can. If I can find some time to go print cards, at least that will get me out of the office. That was nice. But C will be out again, at least pat, if not all of Monday and Tuesday.

grandma1 said...

Who is J that is blogging? Am I missing someone? Keep your homework up. Michelle is disappointed because she doesn't have homework. I wonder how long that will last.

grandma1 said...

What is this about D being engaged? How do you get engaged when you are already married? I am thrilled that D is moving on. Just where does that leave R in all of this? Does she still want him part of the year? I am hoping she will be so interested in her new life to want to bother with him. I know it is rough for E to have him and try to put his life back together again. R is lucky to have a dad that loves him so much. Having all the rest of you to love and take care of him, he will turn out OK. Give R a hugh for me.