Monday, September 12, 2005

Thursday, I went to golf practice and got out on the small course. My score was higher than I thought. I didn't even get close to a par. I was supposed to go to the fair with D, but I stayed home and watched TV. We had plans to watch a movie over the weekend, but things kept coming up. My golf practice has dwindled down to days--Wednesdays and Thursdays. That is a good sign that I can focus more on school and training. This last week my past came back to bite me in the ass and I don't want it to come back when I have built up my confidence. Things have come to my mind, but it might get me into trouble at school and won't be able to graduate and go to Egypt. So I have to restrian myself. It had to come back this year and with a certain person who had three years to bring it back and she has to bring back up this year. If it was any other year then I would be able to do something about, but for right now I am content to deal with it. It is time for me to train and get my frustrations out and make me feel better. Well time to train. TTFN.


grandma1 said...

Don't let your past effect your future. You are off to agood start this year keep it that way. Remeber your mom faviorte poem about changing the things you can and not worring about the things you can't change. All we can do some times is hang in there.

grandma1 said...

You tell E I am mad at him he has time to blog. R can't take all of his time. I need to know what is happening with him. Has he filed for divorce?

grandma1 said...

Where are you? You have time to play golf. You have time to blog.