Thursday, December 08, 2005

I'm still here!

It has been a buzy month for me and all I can say is that my grades are good and finals are approaching a little to fast. My friends and I are having a lot of fun at school. And I have picked up a habit of always being on R duty when I have a lot of homework that I need to do and it is driving me nuts. A few times this month I have wanted to call the cats Shooby and that is really depressing for me. This Tuesday two Seniors got into a car accident and 1 was killed the other is in the hospital recovering. There was another student killed, a former senior, but I did not know any of them. It was a sad day yesterday with most of the seniors morning for them. It reminded me of what I felt when I lost Shooby. Right now I am watching Charmed. C and I have been fighting since I got into a group that really has helped me in so many ways. We have made up, but I don't know how long it is going to last this time. It has been going really good, but recently it has been a bit bumpy. I have a lot of homework to do right now. Well I better go. TTFN.

1 comment:

grandma1 said...

Stuck with the friends that help not pull you down. Hang in there things will abe all right if you just keep on keeping on. This year will be over before you know it.