Monday, December 26, 2005

Cloudy/stormy day today for me.

Reasons for this forcast today.
  1. E is moving in two weeks. Something that I was afraid of when he left for Christmas,
  2. Mom is on my case about the research I have been doing on somebody that I have a theory about, and
  3. Mom just found out who I have a theory about and what they might have done to someone I care.

Lucy has snapped at both Pippin and Mistress. She is getting a bit to touchy with the treat dad gave her. Lucy probably knows that E is leaving her again. Mistress is recovering in my room, on my bed. When E leaves he is going to take Mistress with him even though D got another cat that is a mouser. Well that is even for me tonight other than I got my nails done today and they look real good. Well enough said. TTFN.

1 comment:

grandma1 said...

Hang in there, none of us want to see E make this mistake. There isn't anything we can do about it. Just let E know how much you love him and R. E needs to know that we are all here for him and he can depend on us. Listen to mom researching things on the internet can get dangerous. Have a good vacation before you go back to school. What did you buy with your Christmas money?