Tuesday, February 07, 2006

I'm still alive!

These past weeks have been busy for me. I have to teach my dance moves to somebody and I am glad that I got someone I know. He has been great these past few weeks what with learning all the dance moves and his job and my school life. Pippin sure likes to put his white fur on my black pants. E has gotten me into Yu-Gi-Oh! on Playstation 2. I am nearly finished all I have to do is go up against Seto Kaiba again and get another 2 Blue-Eyes White Dragon. Z has been sweet to his brother ever since he nearly lost him in a duel. I made sure of that. He kinda been hard on him because of a mistake he almost made one time, but he saved him from being rediculed like me. Right now I am listening to some good music and C happens to be against it for some reason. I don't know why. I miss R being here taking my mind off the stuff that I have to do at home and school. Well I think that is enough chit-chat for me. TTFN.

1 comment:

MsPenni said...

Glad to see your back. How's school going? Talk E out of going to OK. And Keep your grades up. It's time to graduate this year.
Love yea.
Auntie Penni