Monday, December 26, 2005

Cloudy/stormy day today for me.

Reasons for this forcast today.
  1. E is moving in two weeks. Something that I was afraid of when he left for Christmas,
  2. Mom is on my case about the research I have been doing on somebody that I have a theory about, and
  3. Mom just found out who I have a theory about and what they might have done to someone I care.

Lucy has snapped at both Pippin and Mistress. She is getting a bit to touchy with the treat dad gave her. Lucy probably knows that E is leaving her again. Mistress is recovering in my room, on my bed. When E leaves he is going to take Mistress with him even though D got another cat that is a mouser. Well that is even for me tonight other than I got my nails done today and they look real good. Well enough said. TTFN.

Monday, December 19, 2005

Just to see if it works.

This picture is cute. I might put a picture of Pippin next time. I got this picture from mom and I love it. Anyway C is happy that his Christmas wish came true today. Well I have a Christmas that I want granted if mom and dad get off their high-horse. Anyway Finals are over and I hoped that I passed them all. This week and next week C and I have off, so we are going to spend it with each other if we have enough time for us. I am ready to download a lot of songs on E's computer. I hope that I have a fun Christmas with E, R, and C. C is saying that we will have a fun Christmas together. C is watching me type this blog. I am listening to the radio and singing along with all my favorite songs. Last night mom got a picture of Pippin in the sink in my bathroom. J is driving me nuts. He thinks that just because I am with C means that he can be with me too. J kissed me last night and I slapped him after he did that. Well that is enough talking for me. TTFN.

Saturday, December 10, 2005

What a weekend.

Today we finally put up the Christmas stuff. My computer is slow and it is driving me nuts. We went to the grocery store and we finally got popcorn chicken. I have spent two weeks without popcorn chicken and tried to get E to get some popcorn chicken and he got something completely different over than popcorn chicken. E is making me hungry right now. Today was the day I finally listened to the Elvis Hour on the radio and then I heard E playing Usher and I had to go out in the living room and listen to it. I am getting tired faster and faster than orinigally thought. R has spent a lot of my energy. School has taken up the same amount of energy because it is my senior year and the senior trip is to Egypt. Talk about a trip of a life-time for me. One day I came home and E was watching the Discovery Channel and they had a marathon of history of Egypt and I stayed out in the living room and watched it and dad was watching it with me. It was on the DVR and mom came home and it got stopped after she huffed at us. Well I have talked enough for today. TTFN.

Thursday, December 08, 2005

I'm still here!

It has been a buzy month for me and all I can say is that my grades are good and finals are approaching a little to fast. My friends and I are having a lot of fun at school. And I have picked up a habit of always being on R duty when I have a lot of homework that I need to do and it is driving me nuts. A few times this month I have wanted to call the cats Shooby and that is really depressing for me. This Tuesday two Seniors got into a car accident and 1 was killed the other is in the hospital recovering. There was another student killed, a former senior, but I did not know any of them. It was a sad day yesterday with most of the seniors morning for them. It reminded me of what I felt when I lost Shooby. Right now I am watching Charmed. C and I have been fighting since I got into a group that really has helped me in so many ways. We have made up, but I don't know how long it is going to last this time. It has been going really good, but recently it has been a bit bumpy. I have a lot of homework to do right now. Well I better go. TTFN.