Wednesday, May 24, 2006

Summer has come finally.

Well school is out and D is home for the summer. I have settled into my new life with Z perfectly and am very happy. Z has a way with words around me. Pippin has been sweet to me. Right now I am watching Day After Tomorrow. This last month I have been in two tournaments and haven't finished with the second one yet. The first one I came in fourth, but I am certain that this time I will do better. My deck is bigger and more powerful. K is hosting this one. He came in second in the first touranment. Z came in first in the tournament and has shared the rewards with me. We have more movie channels and the Elvis Channel back. I feel like I have been blessed with a gift for getting some things. We have gone to two Isotope's games and got sunburnt in the last one. The first one was with M and her work in the evening. The second one was with S and E and was in the afternoon, that's way I got sunburnt. E and S were the smart ones. They spent most of the game in the shade while we all stayed in the sun and into the shade at times. Next time we go to another Isotope's game it is in the third base side. Well enough talking for me today. TTFN.

1 comment:

grandma1 said...

glad to see you blogging again. Don't get to comfortable with staying home. You need to do something with your life. The whole world is out there for you don't blow it.