Saturday, August 27, 2005

I'm back!

Well, I'm back! I have been busy with homework and school. Right now I am watching Kiss of the Dragon. Jet Li is good in this movie. E came into my room and said that we won't have Buffy everyday and then Kiss of the Dragon comes on and it shows that we do get Buffy. Next time he does that he is going to be on the ground panting. My training starts today. A says that I have to train everyday. D and G decided to play a little joke on me yesterday and it was freaking me out! D said that G dumped her and then G wanted to go out with me, that part was freaking me out the most! Then when I caught on they stopped it and I have not heard from them since. That got me to do some stuff around the house and playing tennis again. Then I watched something on the myth of vampires. It was all about Dracula and the real story about The Impaler. Thursday was a very busy day for me. I had a load of homework do to and some catching up to do also. We had Dish installed and I am in heaven. I love to listen to Elvis every chance I get. Well I better finish watching Jet Li. TTFN.

Wednesday, August 24, 2005

No more B lunch for me this year!

All my friends have B lunch while I have A lunch, guess I am lucky to have the house so close to the school. R is definitely feeling better today. D has talked to me all day and almost got me into trouble today during art class. I have been trying to get small Al. with big Al., but it doesn't seem to be working. Big Al. likes me too much and probably has a crush on me too. He used to have a crush on small Al. I guess he still has that crush, but it does not look like it. What is it with guys when I want to give them up for a while and they flock to me like birds to a meal? Last time I gave a guy a chance when I was going to give up men for a while, and boy was that a mistake. After El. asked me out and after I dumped him, J had to butt in and take over of him and he was sweet for a while. Then my friends stopped talking to me, but I didn't care, I had J. He made me feel like I was the only happiest girl alive. Then the cheating came, then the ignoring me and not wanting to be near me when I wanted to show him Pippin. That was it. I had had enough of him, so I disconnected from him for a while. I have been feeling better all day, but there had to be a fire drill at school to test it. The fire drill was during fifth period and I have had nothing to drink all day (I left my drink unopened at home). I was standing in the heat of the day with only the cars for support, I made sure that I did not pass out before we had a chance to get back to our classrooms. Well I better get to my homework. TTFN.

Tuesday, August 23, 2005

Back to school today.

Today I went back to school and got all the work that I missed. Last night I almost forgot what yesterday was and I was so upset about it. It was a very important date. I got a compliment today during lunch. I loved it. He was so nice and cute, but that is not for me. Mom and dad grilled me about the cell phone bill and then we got into an argument. I got me so mad that I was still yelling at them when I went back to me room to calm down, but I am good now and calm. Mustang Sally is on the radio right now. I have not heard that song in a long time.I gave S worksheets that I was keeping for her. Fourth period they put me was already full and I had to switch classes and my counselor wasn't there today. E, mom and dad are watching X-Men. I want to see the second movie to that movie. Well I have to get to my homework. TTFN.

Monday, August 22, 2005

Human again.

I feel back to normal, but staying home to make sure that it does not come back. Tomorrow I will go to school and get back in the groove of things. Pippin right now is sprawled out in the middle of the floor. I have chores to do and homework too. I'll get to the homework before I get to the chores. E has gone to get something for R. Mistress is nowhere to be found, but she might be on E's bed. Right now I am watching TV and relaxing. Lucy had one of R's toys outside and mom brought it back in. D is working at McDonald's and Al. wants us to go over there and see her, but Al. has B lunch and I have A lunch. I might go over to McDonald's today if not I'll go over there tomorrow and see D. I have not seen D in along time since we went to see the Seed of Chucky. We talked on the phone all summer when I was home, other times she would call my cell phone, but that was always short. We even text each other. Pippin has been funny all day. I finally beat the highest score on Pinball. Dad turned it to Smallville without me telling he to what a surprise! Wildfire is next and Beautiful People is on after that. We watch Wildfire as a family, but I watch BP by myself. I finished my weekly schedule today and finished my homework I will turn in tomorrow. They have done the same story since I have been sick and it is driving me nuts. They love to do that. They need a new story. I danced today and I did not pass out so that means that I am ready to go to school tomorrow. R is being a pest and is driving us nuts. I have not seen C all day I am being to wonder where he is. He never leaves me alone all day. I am starting to worry about him. Lucy is barking right now. E is off at work and I really need to have a life. Mom just came home. Looks like Graceland is going to be different. I hope people can still see Elvis's grave. I found Mistress in the garage in the catfood bag, so I positioned it to where she can't put a hole in it anymore. Well I better watch Wildfire. TTFN.

Sunday, August 21, 2005

Resting, but restless.

Last night I could not get to sleep more than two hours at a time. E having the TV on in the middle of the night did not help at all. When I heard it come on I thought it was 4:30 and he was watching Yu-Gi-Oh then I went into the kitchen and saw the time and it was after midnight and I was like you have to be shitting me! Then I got something to drink and went back to bed. When I got another pillow out of my closet, that is when he turned it off and I went back to sleep to be awoken by Watson barking at a stuip balloon. Lucy was not barking, but she will be today some time in the afternoon when it is hot and she starts wanting inside to cool down. Pippin has his back to us and Mistress has got her back to L. Mistress and Pippin are happy that E and R are finally home. Mistress would have nothing to do with us when E was gone, but she lets us pet her and she would purr. Both cats are taking a nap after their morning tustle. Lucy is now barking at something, the first time in the morning. R is still asleep. That trip must have wipped him out. He seems to be a bit bigger when we saw him last night. I might take another pill today, I don't know. Now Pippin has his head upsidedown. I went over there and bugged him a little and now he's going to stuff his face again. That pig! He has had enough to eat! Mistress and Pippin had another little tustle. L is having a senior moment. I love to call her granny and she keeps telling me to shut up and that is all she saids and does. L and P love to watch golf and I only watch it if Tiger Woods plays. Althought I keep taps on the game no matter what. Pippin had to get back on his throne. I am very tired now and am going to have alot of blonde moments to come. Well I better get off and get E blogging. TTFN.

Saturday, August 20, 2005


Today I am feeling better and talking more. My throat is just stratchy, but not sore anymore. P is talking more than me, but I really don't care. J's blog was interesting to read since he is a republican and ranting about Bush. Yeah for you J! You are now part of the family. Pippin is just being lazy for a cat that has nothing to do during the day and his girlfriend, Mistress, is off on E's bed and missing E. I miss E and R and they are coming home today. Pippin has his head upsidedown. He does not want to cuddle with me anymore because I am sick. L and P are golfing today at UNM South Championship Golf Course. The BTK Killer was in the news and every network had to report it and I was getting tired of hearing about it. Once is enough for me. Mistress and Pippin are being unsocialible because they miss E and R. L got good advice from her horiscope and I hope she takes it. I am rabbling on, that must mean that I am feeling somewhat human again, hopefully. I hope I can go to school on Monday, if not I will have P pick up my homework so I can do it and turn it in when I go to school. L is now yelling at her computer, something she loves to do. It's a bit annoying really. Well I better rest some more. TTFN.

Friday, August 19, 2005

Better today.

Today I stayed home and got well. It was the allergy pill I took last night and it really knocked me out. I had a headache on and off, I even took ibeprofin. One time, I even had a headache that was unbearable after I took the ibeprofin. It is coming back, I can feel it. I hope I can go to school on Monday. I really need to go to school. I really want to go to Egypt. I have been drinking Green Tea all day. I had some bread this morning hoping that it would make me better, it did a little. Right now we are watching football. Vikings vs. Jets. E comes home tomorrow and I am looking forward to it. Mistress really misses E. Pippin misses R. Pippin is really weird that way. He'll purr even if your ruffling up his furr, or pull his tail. He is a very strange cat. L came home and brought some lunch, then I took a break from Green Tea. Now I am getting back on Green Tea. I have been resting all day, so now I am restless. The allergy pill is really working and it is making me feel sick. I hardly had any strength this morning, but now I am a little stronger and getting around more. I really need to wash my hair, it is really disgusting when it is oily and not brushed. I am afraid to lose somebody close to me who I really love, even though they are far away from me. I have already lost a dear cat that I held close to my heart, I don't want to lose another family member. Well I better go. TTFN.

Thursday, August 18, 2005

Cough, cough!

All day I have been fighting off a cold. E left today and Mistress and I miss him. Pippin misses R. Now that is weird. That cat is weird all the time. I have been drinking Green Tea all day since I have been home. I finally have homework and notes to do. In Ceramics we are still doing the project. W has been my "mommy" in a manner. Pippin is playing with wrappers and is being funny. I hope I get better cause I have school and alot of stuff to do while E is in Tucson. I saw somebody at school that I thought had graduated with D and An., but he didn't and I hope he does not graduate with me. He was a jerk to E and I when we were younger and before I dated Z. This week I realized that I am talking more then I used to and Al. said that she is the silent one this year. I changed my schedule around and I do not have A and B lunchs any more. I have A lunch now. I am going to be alone at lunch. I used to have a temperature, but now that I have had something to eat, it is down now. P and L are watching TV, football to be exact. They watch TV all the time and it drives me nvts. Well I better get out of here. TTFN.

Wednesday, August 17, 2005


I have been tired since I started watching TV. I went out to play tennis with E. Today I have been working none stop at school. R wants to get up in my lap, but I have the laptop on it. In ceramics we started a project and it was fun. Al. says that I am lucky to have fun classes. I don't think that that is true. She thinks she doesn't have fun classes because she does not like them. I like all my classes. I just wish I had math like Al. D had to bug me today by texting me during third period and nearly getting my cell phone taken away from me. He had to ask about his little brother and I told him that he is fine. He likes to bug me like that. I hope he stops that once he realizes how it is interuptting my life and school work. I hope that I get homework by the end of the week. Well I better go and finish watching TV. TTFN.

Tuesday, August 16, 2005


Today I had to take a book to school today because the didn't have a class room set yet. Our agendas are going to be given to us by at least September like last year. My backback was heavy and it was hurting my shoulders.

Today is the anniversary of Elvis's death of a heart attack.

We are watching Jurassic Park on DVD. So far have been able to hear alot of things. It is hard work to get E to blog, but I can be a little pest and get him to start.

R is being a pest, but not to me today again. It has been a godsent to not get bugged by him. I have been tired all day since lunch.

Went to golf and I got a par on the fifth hole. I have gotten alot of pars on that particular hole and it has been my favorite hole on the course. When we got to the course I was hyper and not being serious like I used to be. I guess it was the diet coke with splenda, which I am drinking now.

I have to get a job if I am going to go to Egypt and get into the King's Chamber. Even near the Sphinx. If I want to go to Egypt, I have to start saving now. I have no idea how much it is going to be, but I have an idea. I will be having fun in all my classes because now we are doing work and I have homework to do.

Well got to finish Jurassic Park. TTFN.

Monday, August 15, 2005

Monday, hate that day!

Monday is the worst day of the week. Monday is the first day of the week for us. Us on school schedule. I finally embarrassed L today by tell S about the Moocarena. Pr. was telling me that I had too much people to talk to and she is right. I kept saying hi to friends and asking how their brothers were doing. Today I found out that I wasn't the only one at WMHS to listen to Oldies. E has new hours so he can watch R during the day and when I get home from school I get to watch R while E has to go to work. Now Pr. is telling me that I am having too much fun. I can't keep her happy. I am thinking about playing tennis after I listen to the radio and finish this entry. Today I have been saying what pops in my head. It is annoying Pr. and she hates it when I annoy her. R is rocking that means that he likes something or waiting for something. Today I got a complainment on my earrings and necklace. The first one since school started. Well gotta go. TTFN.

Sunday, August 14, 2005


Today I stayed home while P, L, E, and R went out to eat. Earlier today I went out and played tennis in the front yard with E and beat him for the day. Right now we are watching Two Brothers. It is so cute and sad. I would hate to wake up in the morning with a duck quacking in my face. R is being a pest and not watching the movie. We played Monopoly today and E got bankrupted before me. I am glad that it is Sunday. I can go to school tomorrow and make me smarter. L was over here making me nervous with talking about not doing something to the TV and the movie. Now she has me doing it. R was hanging on to daddy this morning and didn't want to keep me company. I am getting tired. L is playing Chuzzle. It is the cutest little game that I found. I found alot of games to play over the summer. It seems like I have too much time during the summer and I get bored easily. I went to play some more tennis and E tied our score. Tomorrow I go to school and I am excited! I ran into a friend and he didn't seem to want to go back to school, he also want to learn tennis. I am excited to teach tennis. I have taught golf to another fellow beginner golfer and it was fun. Well I am going to rest and take a shower. TTFN.

Saturday, August 13, 2005

Poor Pippin!

Today I woke up hyper. I had very much fun tormenting Pippin this morning. Right now I am listening to the Elvis hour and R is rocking. Now he is leaving to play. Mistress is laying next to me on the bed and flipping that tail on the keyboard. L is picking a movie over Elvis. I don't know what has gotten into her, she usually loves Elvis. Now Mistress is in the window and making funny noises at the birds. Something most be wrong with L if she is watching the TV and not listening to Elvis. I keep telling her he is on, but she has not budged. She is on her computer. I don't know what is wrong with her, but I hope it passes. R is being a pest right now and it is pleasant to not watch him this morning. He likes to bug me. I am thinking about playing tennis after the Elvis hour is over. Then I will watch Buffy. Didn't watch Buffy, but went to get some drinks and food. Now I am watching It Happened at the World's Fair with Elvis and a very young Kurt Russell. I love it when he kicks Elvis in the shins. We were watching a movie with a young Johnny Depp and the guy in one comercial was scaring me because he was to much of a suck-up. I hate guys like that. They need to go to a therpist. I forgot to call Al. last night she is going to be mad at me. R came into my room while I was listening to the Elvis hour and was rocking and I was singing to Wooden Heart. Wooden Heart is my favorite Elvis song.

Friday, August 12, 2005


Well today was successful at school and we had fun. An. came to school with me after lunch and made my day even better. Al. is at her job and she complained about how she had to do the closing shift. I feel sorry for her, but I would like to have my own job. I miss working at Ladera. I liked my job there and I had fun. I boosted about L doing the Moocerena to all my friends. I have been sneezing all day since lunch. I would love to have a day of break from all that I have to do, but it doesn't look like it yet. Lucy is a crazy dog that likes to scoot on the floor. She is the biggest baby in the family. Pippin likes to hang a paw down when he sleeps. We are getting ready to watch an early Johnny Depp movie. (He is so hot!)

Thursday, August 11, 2005

First day of school. Yeah!

Today was the first day of school and it was a blast! Today I saw almost all my friends that still go to school with me. Al. and I almost had a class today, but she changed her schedule. S was in my first period and I told her all about my summer and she would like me to something to school so she can see it. There is only one Econ. teacher at my school and my dad happens to know her. In my Econ. class I found the notarity on the trip to Egypt and we get to go into the Great Pyramid and see the King's Chamber. We also get to see the Sphinx. In the extended trip get to go to Alexanderia. I would very much like to go to Alexanderia. I waited for Al. at our spot, but she did not show up. I will see her tomorrow and talk to her later. R is back home and he is taking a nap right now. I hope my system for school works for me so I can go to Egypt. I have had a fill of being a pest to Pippin. Pippin has been a pest to us for quite some time, this time I get to be the pest to him.

Wednesday, August 10, 2005

Last day of summer vacation.

I am very ready to go to school. R is going to stay with Candi P. R is sleeping right now and it is very quiet. I have been trying to find my old ID card now that I have it replaced I found it. I found in the side pocket of my backpack. Mistress is in my window now looking at the birds. Earlier she was under my desk and was sprawled out and paws up in the air. She got that from Gus Gus. Gus Gus is a dog that belongs to D. Mistress is now one year old and still a kitten. Sometimes she looks Sphinxy. All cats kinda have that quality in them all you have to do is understand the cat body language and looks. I am an expert on cat body language and looks, plus their personality. I lived with one cat for four years and she had all kinds of personality, especially towards men. Mistress is lying on my bed and just stretched. Her paws are in the air. She is so funny when she sleeps. She loves to make funny noises at the birds. I have been meaning to play tennis before school gets back in, but I have been to busy with watching R and blogging and other stuff. But I still have a whole semester before they start tennis practice at school. althought I still have Y&G.

Tuesday, August 09, 2005

Relief at last.

This is the last week of summer vacation and I am ready to go to school and talk to Al. An. thinks that I am a schoolgirl and a sort of a geek. I took that as an insult.

My foot still hurts. I have not taken a pain pill yet and hoping not to put some ice on it or it might ground me for awhile. C has been taking good care of me since it started hurting. He has been sweet to me, even when I am crying about having lost a very wonderful cat. Shooby was a very wonderful cat who could tell me her mind through her looks and her body language. I could tell her anything. She was my little girl, even if she was a cat. She was the best thing that ever happened to me.

R is being a pest right now. He is playing with the rug in the living room and screaming. The terrible two's in is full swing with R right now. He thinks it is funny to not listen to his aunty and it inferiates me.

Last night I did not get a chance to read the book on the Giza Plateu. I might have to tonight. It seems at night is when I get in full swing of the day. I can't seem to get to sleep. Reading seems to calm me down and help me get to sleep.

Went to school today and played with R and came home tired from running around with him. I am faced with a hard decision about something and I don't know how to tell W about it. After all it has to deal with him.

R is taking a nap right now and the dogs are in. I have a good song stuck in my head right now and it is driving people around me nuts. And for me that is a good thing. The dogs are begging for food from E.

L, P, and I are watching Mulan. Earlier we were smelling smoke and I thought it was E burning some incense in the bathroom, but he wasn't. We'll just forget about it when we go to bed tonight.

I finally got L to get some KFC to bring home. I ate faster than anybody because I was very hungry I was snacking all day long.

Monday, August 08, 2005


My foot hurts today and I wore heels, which I should not have done, but I have always wanted to wear heels for awhile now. L really liked my little nickname and I bugged P for awhile. R was being a pest for most of the day, but other times he was being a sweety. I have just put some ice on my foot. R thought it was funny to run over my foot with his truck which was part of the problem other than the heels. The ice feels really good on my foot and I think I can sleep the night away without any pain. I might have to take some pain pills which I might do after I get off my laptop. I hope my foot gets better so I can train tomorrow and all week and daily. I spoke my mind to P today at his blog and usually I don't do that, but when I am at a computer and I have someone to talk to I just type what is in my mind at the time. Today I finally find someone who has thought that I should at least talk to S and see him. C thinks that that is something that P would do to suck up to me about being such a pessimistic. M likes to be in my window all day if she wants to. Right now it is closed because of the night. M likes to watch the birds out of my window and then she likes to curl up on my bed and sprawl out with her legs up in the air. It is so funny I will see if I can get a picture of her on this blog. I am very proud of R because Saturday I was listening to the Elvis Hour on the radio and I was watching R. I was dancing and he was rocking. Rocking is R's way of telling us that he likes the song or music. I was the only one who saw that and everybody I told said that I had sparkles in my eyes. C was there to and he said that he was happy that R had a good taste in music, I told him he got it from L and E.